19,340 research outputs found

    Submicron metal powders produced by ball milling with grinding aids

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    In ball milling metal powders to submicron size, various salts are more effective as grinding aids than conventional surfactants. Absolute ethyl alcohol is used as the grinding liquid

    Theory of Auger decay by laser-dressed atoms

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    We devise an ab initio formalism for the quantum dynamics of Auger decay by laser-dressed atoms which are inner-shell ionized by extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. The optical dressing laser is assumed to be sufficiently weak such that ground-state electrons are neither excited nor ionized by it. However, the laser has a strong effect on continuum electrons which we describe in strong-field approximation with Volkov waves. The XUV light pulse has a low peak intensity and its interaction is treated as a one-photon process. The quantum dynamics of the inner-shell hole creation with subsequent Auger decay is given by equations of motion (EOMs). For this paper, the EOMs are simplified in terms of an essential-states model which is solved analytically and averaged over magnetic subshells. We apply our theory to the M_4,5 N_1 N_2,3 Auger decay of a 3d hole in a krypton atom. The orbitals are approximated by scaled hydrogenic wave functions. A single attosecond pulse produces 3d vacancies which Auger decay in the presence of an 800nm laser with an intensity of 10^13 W / cm^2. We compute the Auger electron spectrum and assess the convergence of the various quantities involved.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, RevTeX

    Ramsey method for Auger-electron interference induced by an attosecond twin pulse

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    We examine the archetype of an interference experiment for Auger electrons: two electron wave packets are launched by inner-shell ionizing a krypton atom using two attosecond light pulses with a variable time delay. This setting is an attosecond realization of the Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields. Interference of the two ejected Auger-electron wave packets is predicted, indicating that the coherence between the two pulses is passed to the Auger electrons. For the detection of the interference pattern an accurate coincidence measurement of photo- and Auger electrons is necessary. The method allows one to control inner-shell electron dynamics on an attosecond timescale and represents a sensitive indicator for decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4.1, revise

    User's guide to the Mission Analysis Evaluation and Space Trajectory Operations program (MAESTRO)

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    The MAESTRO system is a mission analysis tool designed to present to the user information necessary to make the various decisions required in the design and execution of a spaceflight mission. The system was designed so that it can be used in both the pre-launch mission planning phase of a mission and during the flight as an in-flight decision making tool. A description of each of the following modes is presented: (1) trajectory propagation mode; (2) retro-fire determination mode; (3) midcourse analysis determination mode; (4) Monte Carlo mode; (5) verification mode; (6) orbit stability mode; and (7) post injection trim mode. A description of the inputs necessary to run the program mode is given along with a sample case

    Strength and High-Temperature Stability of Dispersion Strengthened Nickel-MgO Alloys

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    Strength and high-temperature stability of dispersion strengthened nickel-magnesium oxide alloy

    Treatment of failed articular cartilage reconstructive procedures of the knee: A systematic review

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    Background: Symptomatic articular cartilage lesions of the knee are common and are being treated surgically with increasing frequency. While many studies have reported outcomes following a variety of cartilage restoration procedures, few have investigated outcomes of revision surgery after a failed attempt at cartilage repair or reconstruction. Purpose: To investigate outcomes of revision cartilage restoration procedures for symptomatic articular cartilage lesions of the knee following a previously failed cartilage reconstructive procedure. Study Design: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: A literature search was performed by use of the PubMed, EMBASE, and MEDLINE/Ovid databases for relevant articles published between 1975 and 2017 that evaluated patients undergoing revision cartilage restoration procedure(s) and reported outcomes using validated outcome measures. For studies meeting inclusion criteria, relevant information was extracted. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Lesions most commonly occurred in the medial femoral condyle (MFC) (52.8%), with marrow stimulation techniques (MST) the index procedure most frequently performed (70.7%). Three studies demonstrated inferior outcomes of autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) following a previous failed cartilage procedure compared with primary ACI. One study comparing osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplant following failed microfracture (MFX) with primary OCA transplant demonstrated similar clinical outcomes and graft survival at midterm follow-up. No studies reported outcomes following osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT) or newer techniques. Conclusion: This systematic review of the literature reporting outcomes following revision articular cartilage restoration procedures (most commonly involving the MFC) demonstrated a high proportion of patients who underwent prior MST. Evidence is sufficient to suggest that caution should be taken in performing ACI in the setting of prior MST, likely secondary to subchondral bone compromise. OCA appears to be a good revision treatment option even if the subchondral bone has been violated from prior surgery or fracture. </jats:sec

    F-theory GUTs with U(1) Symmetries: Generalities and Survey

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    We study the structure of SU(5) F-theory GUT models that engineer additional U(1) symmetries. These are highly constrained by a set of relations observed by Dudas and Palti (DP) that originate from the physics of 4D anomaly cancellation. Using the DP relations, we find a general tension between unification and the suppression of dimension 5 proton decay when one or more U(1)'s are PQ symmetries and hypercharge flux is used to break the SU(5) GUT group. We then specialize to spectral cover models, whose global completions in F- theory we know how to construct. In that setting, we provide a technical derivation of the DP relations, construct spectral covers that yield all possible solutions to them, and provide a complete survey of spectral cover models for SU(5) GUTs that exhibit two U(1) symmetries.Comment: 27 pages plus 5 appendices (70 pages total) ; v2 references adde

    The Environmental Kuznets Curve Under a New framework: Role of Social Capital in Water Pollution

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    We advance a case for an inclusion of social capital in the environmental Kuznets curve analysis using highly disaggregated data on water pollution in Louisiana. A social capital index and other variables are used in parametric and spatial panel regression models to explain water pollution dynamics.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Quantum interference in attosecond transient absorption of laser-dressed helium atoms

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    We calculate the transient absorption of an isolated attosecond pulse by helium atoms subject to a delayed infrared (\ir) laser pulse. With the central frequency of the broad attosecond spectrum near the ionization threshold, the absorption spectrum is strongly modulated at the sub-\ir-cycle level. Given that the absorption spectrum results from a time-integrated measurement, we investigate the extent to which the delay-dependence of the absorption yields information about the attosecond dynamics of the atom-field energy exchange. We find two configurations in which this is possible. The first involves multi photon transitions between bound states that result in interference between different excitation pathways. The other involves the modification of the bound state absorption lines by the IR field, which we find can result in a sub-cycle time dependence only when ionization limits the duration of the strong field interaction
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